Thursday, October 7, 2010

APEX Bamboo Pole Vaulting to 2012

monday,(04/10/2010) on studio time we all have some discussion about "Lompatan APEX Ke 2012" that had organized by Bamboo Interest Group (BIG).APEX journey start since year 2007.Foundation was being lay since 2007 and begin from this year(2010) USM start to deliver excellence after foundation was lay .the summary from the discussion is USM must have on paradigm shift to achieve APEX status on 2012 mean the benchmark is from 3P theory.The theory is social (people),environment (place) and economic (money) had related on each others.But wan B say "we don't have money" then money have changed to principle.

The Questions that have been ask by audience :

We are now preparing for the 2012 big flood. How if flood doesn't come but tornado happens?
- That's why we need other component to enhance our invention. Anyway, we do not expect that to happen.

Is there any preservation for bamboo? What is the life-span of a un-preserved bamboo?
- We have no idea. So we actually need a research group that help us in this. It might last very long, like the 150 years old Istana Buluh of Kuala Kangsar.

Are there any other field that bamboo can contributes to beside construction industry?
- Yes. Medical field such as. There have been research showing that bamboo can actually cure penyakit gila babi.

How does bamboo contribute to APEX in the lead to the top 200 university in the world? How it fill into it?
- We do not take anything as model. We lead in stead. Bamboos are able to unite all of us. It contributes in the changing of the system, co-curriculum, etc. We do not depend on other people to achieve the number / ranking. We believe in creating a continuous place for people to save the nature. We crash assumption! futeremore,if our desigd is the best,our ranking alsa will increase.

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